Through the grace of God and the generosity of Reverend Mother Margaretha Maria, the formation directors (junior directors, novice directors, and postulant directors) from our various provinces will be traveling to the Motherhouse to discuss our Congregation's formation plan over the next two months.
Sister M. Alexandra and I, Sister M. Beata, are very much looking forward to the trip. I have not yet been to the Motherhouse and look forward to the opportunity to be even more grounded in our Congregation's heritage. The picture you see here is of Christ the King Church at the Motherhouse. Many of the Sisters have said that it is stunning to see in person. During the time that we are at the Motherhouse, we hope to be able to send updates about our various spiritual experiences and adventures.
We will keep all of you in our prayers, especially those who have sent prayer intentions. We also ask that you pray for us, that the Holy Spirit will guide us and that this will be a great time of grace for our Community. Thank you!