Dear Grateful Reader, Thanks for asking the questions you did on the comment to the post entitled, " Enter In "! Glad you like the "amazing picture." Here's my response to your excellent questions! "Is this all of the provincial motherhouse Sisters?" No, there are some of the Sisters who live at St. Francis Convent in Alton, Illinois, who are not in the photograph, but there are many Sisters from our mission houses in other parts of the Province who are in the photo. Many Sisters were in Alton for the August retreat and our August 15 feastday. St. Francis Convent is the provincial motherhouse, that is, the headquarters for the entire province and not just the convent for the Sisters living and working in Alton - at Saint Anthony's Health Center, St. Francis Day Care Center, St. Mary's Grade School and in the convent itself. The convent in Alton is also the place where our young Sisters have their novitiate formation. Needless to say, it i...