Sr. Mary Joseph's mission reflection from her time at Bonacum House in Lincoln, NE concludes the reflections of our second year novice mission experiences. Please pray for our sisters as they continue to prepare for their first profession of vows.
I was daily reminded that it is through our encounters with one another that we
are able to meet Christ. I realized this doing laps around the house with
one of the priests one day. While it was a simple experience, I was reminded of
the importance of being present in the moment. In our world today, people often
don’t even look at each other when walking by. They ask how you are doing
but then do not stop to really listen to the answer. However, it is when we
stop and listen to each other that we have a chance to encounter Christ, and I
was reminded of this time and time again being at Bonacum House. So many times
we are looking for the big things to do when it is often in the little things
that the Holy Spirit often works. We simply have to be open to the Spirit
working in our lives and respond in trust that He is guiding us for it is
through having that receptive heart that we can encounter Christ.