One of the apostolates of our Community is to service in residences of a few Bishops in the United States. One of these residences is the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C. The day to day life of the Sisters who serve here revolves around a horarium (order of the day) which is mostly similar to the schedules that all of us keep. Prayer, Holy Mass, and Community time are all mingled with apostolic service. Much of what the Sisters do at the Nunciature is in the realm of cooking, cleaning or laundry. It is one of the ways in which we support the Church through our direct service to the Shepherds of the Church. We are also able to pray for them and the intentions that they entrust to us. In these days, this role of servant is allowing the Sisters to serve Pope Benedict during his stay in Washington, D.C. Right now they are probably gearing up for the Holy Father's birthday dinner. They have been planning for these moments for a long time. What a blessing for our Country...
The Franciscan Way of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George is the road that St. Francis followed: in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and in the spirit of our foundress, Mother M. Anselma.