“Pope Benedict has announced that he is resigning.” Mother M. Regina Pacis spoke these words on February 11, 2013 at 6:00 a.m. just before we started Holy Mass. These are the words that bolted me awake on a morning when I was severely struggling to stay awake during Morning Office and meditation. I was completely shocked. Of all the announcements I may have been expecting, this one was not on my radar. As my day continued, I started to process this shock and what it meant for the Church and for myself. At the age of 27, I have only known two Popes within my life. The first is my patron, Pope John Paul II. The second is Pope Benedict XVI. Both of these men have had a profound impact on the world and within my own life. In 2002, at age 16, I traveled to Toronto for World Youth Day (WYD), Pope John Paul II’s last. I was a typical small-town, public-school teenager involved with sports, music, and academics. In between all of this I also crammed my faith in. I was aw...