As I walked down the path along the outdoor stations of the cross, the golden sun streamed softly through the trees and the colors of autumn lay across the ground in all the leaves. The still beauty around me reminded me of Elijah who went out to the mountain to wait for God. Elijah did not find God in the "wind", "earthquake", or "fire", but in the "tiny whispering sound". Yes, in the most unassuming way, God came, hidden yet known to Elijah. It is in the silences, the unassuming moments of everyday life, that I have discovered Christ. It is in these moments I have found my greatest treasures!
As I entered my first year in the novitiate, I discovered far beyond my expectation the beauty of encountering God in silence. Living in a culture that lives on noisy technology, I did have some adjusting to do when I said goodbye to my cell phone, laptop, and listening to music at any given moment. However, I soon began to hear more than I ever heard before, "the tiny whispering" voice of God. Having the interior and exterior freedom to attune myself to Him, to strive to be always open to His Word, this is a gift I cannot price! When I look back at the most precious moments of my life it is when I am still and I know God is near. Each day at Mass when I am kneeling silently and simply waiting, God descends from Heaven hiding Himself in the small white host. Throughout this year God has spoken the words of Psalm 46 to my heart: "Be still and know that I am God."
-submitted by Sister M. Bernadette, First Year Novice
What eloquence!
Thank you for sharing!
::silently listening::
Let me explain.
About half an hour ago I went out in my garden for a few minutes of quiet silence. It is night right here. All is quiet and the sky is very dark and clear - not a cloud in sight. And no moon.
As I gazed up into the sky I noticed the stars far far away. A few at first, and then, as my eyes grew accustomed to the darkness of the sky I saw more and more stars. Tiny dots in the sky all that distance away.
And in that dark silence I felt at total peace for a few moments. I think God was there with me.
God bless you.
Many hugs to you. :D
Pax Et Bonum!