‘Twas the Night Before Weihnachtsmarkt" (vein-ahx-marh-ket)

Every creature was stirring
Especially the Novices and Postulants.
Sisters will travel from close and far
To enjoy this evening’s crepe bar
One PM, Two PM, Three PM, FOUR!
Sharing and giving
Who can ask for anything more!
The novitiate is busy preparing for our annual Weihnachtsmarkt – a German Christmas tradition in our Province. (Our Motherhouse, where we were founded, is in northwestern Germany!
Sisters from our mission houses in the United States helped out by contributing gifts (some handmade) that are to be sold for PM (Prayer Marks – convent currency). Let’s see if the Novitiate can make more Prayer Marks than last year!
Father Joseph
Great blog sisters!
Sofia G.
Junior in Saint Louis