One time I was driving with a Sister on our way to Philadelphia. As we were traveling through the mountains we encountered a terrential downpour. At one point, Sister said to me, "If you want to pull over, you can." "Would you?" "Yes!" So I did. We were sitting on the side of this mountain, next to other vehicles as well, watching the rain fall as we prayed the rosary. After almost an hour with no relief we decided we better just try again to move forward. So, we did! And within a few minutes we were traveling in the clear as the rain lightened the sky was not as dark.
On the journey to a destination brings various encounters with sun, rain, traffic, detours, darkness and light. It is very similar to the journey we are on to heaven, this pilgrimage of life. This summer thirteen Sisters are preparing for final vows. They begin their fourth week today. As they journey these ten weeks to their perpetal profession of vows, they will encounter various trials, joys, temptations and consolations. We give thanks for the gift of their yes and their daily perseverance in following the call the Lord invites them to - to give everything to Him and to receive everything from Him - forever! Please keep these Sisters, as well as the Sisters preparing for first vows and reception, in your prayers.