Have you ever met someone and you knew instantly you would become great friends? This is exactly how I felt when I met St. Francis Xavier last year during the first part of my postulant year. I immediately knew that I was going to have a closer relationship with him than any other Saint, and I was right. I have found in him the example of the life that I had been striving to live. His spotless purity, unmatchable zeal, childlike joy and his great courage are just a few things that really hit home for me. His remarkable example of friendship is also something that really struck out to me because it is only through relationships that I have learned to follow Christ. St. Francis Xavier is most known for his missionary exploits and this is something that I am trying to imitate in him. I have learned though, that I do not have to go to India to be a missionary. In fact, I do not even have to talk to people. All I really have to do is be faithful to the smallest tasks of each day and God will transform the world through me. I pray that in all I do I will always be joyfully zealous like St. Francis Xavier, so that God's love may reach the whole world through me.