In the spiritual life silence is necessary. It is when we quiet the exterior then we can listen to the interior. Sometimes the interior is "noisy" too, yet now we can face what is going on within our hearts. We learn to recognize the voice of the One who loves: Jesus.
On the evening of August 3rd our postulants and novices entered into silence. They began their ten day retreat in preparation for reception and first profession of vows. We pray they encounter the love of the Father as He calls them deeper into the Heart of His Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful for their yes to following Jesus' call. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare to make this next step in religious life.
And what about you? Where do you need to make room for the voice of Jesus? Can you turn off the radio today while taking that drive? Listen. Be still. You too can encounter Love. He wants to speak to you!
God bless you all.