Praised be Jesus Christ! My six months on mission have
taught me two main things: all the evil that I notice in the world is a
constant proof that I must become a Saint and…that Jesus loves me!
Washington, D.C. was a wonderful city to be missioned in, and being able to
serve at the Apostolic Nunciature as the sacristan was a very great honor!
Being in two such prominent places allowed me the opportunity to see satan
trying to work. However, the Lord taught me that I really can help change the
world if I allow the Lord to change me. He taught me that it doesn’t matter
what I am doing, it simply matters that I let Him do it through me, and by
striving to let Him live through me He not only transforms my heart but also
the world.
I don’t think it is possible to begin to understand the joy of allowing Jesus
to live though us if we don’t first know the love He has for us as individuals.
This too the Lord was teaching me on mission. I began to see His loving hand
guiding everything, from the crazy traffic on shopping trips to the forgotten
cookies in the oven. I have begun to see that at every moment, no matter what
is happening or what I am doing, He wishes to lavish His love upon me and from
my heart He then wishes to pour His love upon the world.
My time on mission could be described with many words: joyful, adventurous,
busy, challenging, fun, etc… but only one word can really sum it up: love!
- Sister M. Xavier, FSGM