Word has come from the Motherhouse that our two American Sisters arrived safely there! Alleluia! We thank God for protecting them. We also ask the "angels" to guide the Sisters coming from our other provinces....
We don't know when Sister M. Beata will have access to the Internet to either post an entry on the blog or, if that is not possible, to email or fax something to us here in the USA. Stay tuned. We won't leave you hanging on your seat.
We don't know when Sister M. Beata will have access to the Internet to either post an entry on the blog or, if that is not possible, to email or fax something to us here in the USA. Stay tuned. We won't leave you hanging on your seat.
In the meantime, we have received some excellent comments - filled with great questions. Visit yesterday's post to read the questions. Please have patience with us as we decide which questions we'll be able to answer on Alton soil. We hope our German-arrived postulant and vocation director - Sister M. Beata - will be able to respond to most applicable to their situation in the Motherhouse.
In other words, stay tuned. But please return.
In the meantime, check out our Motherhouse's website.
Praised be to God for the safe arrival!
Your Motherhouse site is interesting! Do you have English translations?
Are there pages for the other provinces?
Could you explain the difference in the habits?
Thank you!